And he's a he :)

We would have been thrilled with a girl, too - it's been a long time since there was a baby girl in the house and I really love the name we had picked out for her.
But now we're fielding even teams and I love that our house will always have a girls' room and a boys' room. Plural. And Gabriel gets a brother.

Thursday morning I woke up feeling crampy and wondering whether this was finally it (I was due Friday). By about 1 p.m. I was pretty sure I was in labor. The kids were already at my sister's house, so I made some food, did all the laundry in the house and got the bedroom ready for the birth.

The midwives arrived around 6 p.m. Thursday and Niko was born at 1:47 a.m. on Friday, which was a feast day in the Orthodox Church honoring Saint Nicholas. That was pretty amazing since we had planned to name a potential baby boy after the saint all along.

Nicholas is a family name - my brother, uncle, great-uncle and grandfather all share the name. My mother really wanted the tradition to continue.
I wish she were here to see him.

Labor was more difficult than I had anticipated, it being my fourth birth and all. Dilation took awhile and I had that can't-do-this-anymore transition feeling well before I reached "official" transition. But I finally got him out. After I had pushed his head out, the midwives said something to me, and I answered, and the baby swiveled 180 degrees in the direction of my voice. That did not feel good. But the midwives thought it was pretty neat. I wish I had seen it but I was too busy, you know, pushing and all. He was 7 lbs 13 oz and 20.5 inches long.

I can't believe I have four kids.
Earlier in the pregnancy, Natasha wasn't sure she wanted another sibling. But she came around.
Zoia positively glowed when she held Niko for the fist time.
Gabriel is fascinated by his little brother.
And I am just overwhelmed with gratitude.