
Thursday, February 20, 2020

Flannel Gelato Blouse

I was drawn to the Liesl + Co. Gelato Blouse pattern as soon as it was released. The easy shape is casual, but put-together at the same time. Although the weather in Bogota is the same year-round, seeing people’s fall and winter clothes on Instagram put me in a cuddly frame of mind, and I got the idea to sew the blouse in flannel.


The flannel was long-stashed from Fabric Mart, originally bought to make my husband a pair of PJ pants that never happened. Oops.

I changed the sleeves a little on this version, omitting the ruffles and adding an elastic casing.  I also did a lot of fitting work on this blouse to get a good fit, and I'm on the Oliver + S/Liesl + Co. blog today discussing all my changes, including photos of my adjusted pattern pieces.  You can see that post here. I'm actually hoping to make that a regular series on that blog, and am looking for contributors, so check out the post for more details.


  1. I love this plaid! Thanks for the fitting info!

  2. I really enjoyed your post on the O+S blog! (But decided I'd comment here since, you know, we're buds? LOL!) Thank you for explaining your process and the time it takes. I do tend to put off those flat pattern adjustments, but they're not that bad. This top is super cute and I especially like it with the slouchy cardigan.


Hi! I am so happy you came by. Thanks for your comment!