
Monday, January 20, 2020

2020 Goals

I've been putting off this post because I've had a bit of a hard time making goals. For me, one of the most fun parts of sewing is indulging my whims. I've made some of my most beloved items by going off piste. So, in general, I don't like to make too many goals.

Also, we'll be moving back to the U.S. sometime in mid-2020, so once again, I'll be without my machines for a few months. I expect to have a significant sewing gap even after the machines arrive, as I find that it's sometimes hard for me to dive back into sewing after a prolonged break. We have somewhere from four to five months left in the country, and that time is already flying. I can't believe we're past the middle of January already!

Disclaimers aside, here are my loose pre-move goals for this year:

Sewing Goal #1: Sew something with leather. Leather is inexpensive and readily available here in Colombia and I haven't taken advantage of it.  I think that's mostly because I don't really know what to make with it. A sewing friend made about a million Ida Clutches using leather she bought here, and I loved them, so I'm thinking maybe I'll do that.

Sewing Goal #2: Make another pair of Liana Jeans.

Sewing Goal #3: Sew myself a pair of non-flannel PJ pants. I even have the fabric for it in the stash - a plaid twill shirting. I know these will get a lot of wear back in humid Virginia, so I'd like to get them done before we leave.

Sewing Goal #4: Refrain from ordering any fabric before we move. We have a shipping weight limit and have to pay for the overage. Fabric is heavy, so I really need to use everything I buy in the next few months. That said ... I do need more knit tops, and I don't have much knit fabric in the stash for myself, so I do foresee a couple more trips to the local remnants place where I buy knits.

That's all I've got. As always, thanks for reading and see you next time!

1 comment:

  1. Do sew with leather, I have not sewn much but have throughly enjoyed what I did and it was definitely easier that I anticipated.
    I buy much less now too (except for remnants, they don't count) if it doesn't have an immediate 'tortoise' {purpose) I don't buy it.
    So hard, so much pretty fabric
    Good luck with your packing and have a safe trip home.
    xx N


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