
Monday, September 18, 2017

Last bit of vacation sewing

I know it's September 17, and evidently Target thinks time is nigh to throw the ol' Christmas lights up on the shelves.  (It's not.)  Because, guys, summer isn't quite over.

Here in my part of the world, we've had a few lovely 80-degree days recently.  Today I realized that I hadn't blogged the Pony tank I am wearing with my newly shortened Alberta Street skirt, so I decided to get a few photos and put them up here for future reference.

The tank was one of those it's-almost-vacation-and-I-need-to-make-something-new impulse sews.  Like my previous Pony Tank (the blue and white one, as I ended up giving the other one to my mother-in-law in July), this one is a straight size 16 with the exception of the armscye depth, which I cut on the size 8 line.

I once read a review of a dramatic hi-lo top on a blog (I can't remember which), where the writer described the back part of the top as a "butt cape."  Wearing my first Pony makes me feel a bit like I have on a butt cape, so I decided to shorten the back a bit.  I think I actually shortened the whole thing, but the drapey rayon sprang up higher than I had expected, so I ended up leaving the edges raw. I like these proportions better than the ones on my other Pony.

I also recently shortened my denim Alberta Street skirt.  I love this skirt and wear it all the time, through all seasons.  This summer, however, the length suddenly seemed a little frumpy.  I was really surprised; I've always been a knee-length-or-longer kind of girl when it comes to skirts, usually feeling uncomfortable in a skirt any shorter.  But I think my style is changing a bit, influenced no doubt by the legions of sewing blogs I read.

I'm digging a shorter skirt these days, so I took off about 2.5 inches and I'm really pleased with the results.  I almost can't wait to try it with tights and boots.  Except, I can.  Summer, don't leave me yet!

Thanks for reading, and see you next time!


  1. That's a really cute top, and it looks so comfy!

  2. I love your black Pony tank! I got some Heather gray fabric to make another Pony tank but then it seemed like Summer was gone so I haven't made it yet. We are supposed to get a 5 or 6 day run of high 80's temps this week so maybe I should whip it up! I am complete cracking up about the butt cape. That is so funny! I really like your shortened skirt, too. These two look great together!

  3. Cute!!! I am with you, summer, don't leave me yet! The shorter length skirt is a bit more casual and fun - I tend to like knee length too, but styles do change!

  4. I was always taught, 'Over 40, over the knee' (I am not sure you are over 40) but I am still chasing a toddler, a ver fast toddler. Shorter works better for me.
    You look lovely.

    1. Not quite yet, so I guess I have another year of short skirts ahead of me :) Thank you Nicole!

  5. I'm so glad you shortened the skirt...its so much more youthful and looks great on you!
    Lol on the "butt cape"

  6. The shorter length on the skirt is really cute, although the longer length looks good with your boots too. It is interesting to see how your style changes through trial and error and experience! Your armhole depth looks perfect, but that's a big difference in sizing to get everything nice and covered in that region. That's my eternal struggle with sleeveless armholes since I'm short from shoulder to bust. One day there will be a perfect sleeveless armhole out there that works for me and I will paint it on the wall!

  7. I love the pony tank, I will have to check it out. I like the shorter length on the skirt as well. I always feel that when I look at a photo of a skirt and compare the length I can instantly tell which one I prefer. It also looks a little more A-line after you removed the length which is great too!


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