
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

KCW Day 1 - Honeycomb Maillot

As usual, I'm ignoring the Kids Clothes Week theme and using the motivation to whip up some basics.  The pool opens this weekend, and I will be sewing swimwear all week. Of my four children, only Z has enough suits for the summer (though I will be sewing her a pair of bottoms to replace ones that we lost at the beach last summer).

First up was Miss N.  She has two suits that fit well and one that is a bit snug.  I let her choose her own fabric this year, and she picked out this great honeybee print from The Fabric Fairy. It is a directional fabric, so I had to buy a whole yard, which means that I have enough left for another suit.

I sewed View C of the Cosi Swimsuit.  It is a fully-lined size 5 with the top of the bodice extended to the size 7 line.  After I sewed it, I ended up taking in the sides to about the width of a 4.  But she needs the extra crotch length and booty room of the 5, so I couldn't have just sewn a straight 4. 

Even with fully lining the suit, and with the alterations I had to make, this suit took less than three hours to create, from cutting to weaving in ends.


  1. I want that fabric for me!!!

  2. this is SO CUTE!! What a great swimsuit! I love that fabric :) :) :)

  3. Love this swimsuit! The simple, graphic design of the fabric works so well - it was a great choice! Perhaps I will get over my bathing-suit sewing phobia and give one a try:)

    1. This is a good pattern with which to do so (although it's the only girls' pattern I've sewn so I guess I'm not really an expert).

  4. Weaving in ends? Do you mean of your serged seams? I confess I have never done that. I really love this swimsuit - the bee fabric is delightful, and it looks great in its simplest iteration. Maybe that's what I should do for Maggie, since the more complicated peplum version was a total bomb (mostly because gathering swimsuit fabric is the very devil!). Hm!!! Love it.

    1. Serger and coverstitch ends. I never used to weave in my serged ends either - I usually would zigzag over them instead. But I would often get hanging thread tails after a wash or two. The coverstitch requires threading the tails onto a needle, pulling them to the back and tying them off. Since I'm doing that anyway, I now weave in my serger tails too; it seems to work better than my previous zig zag.

    2. I always knot my ends too, force of habit now.
      Great suit, I totally love it!

  5. So nice this one! I will follow you from Blegium ;)

  6. That is fabulous!!! Such a cute suit and adorable fabric! I wish my kids had good taste like that! Charlie would have picked out some pink and purple monstrosity.


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