
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Cozy Winter Hoods

I recently decided that enough was enough, and dusted off my long-neglected copy of Ripped in 30.  I've been faithfully doing the workout four times a week for the last three weeks (she recommends five to six times a week, but I have trouble enough fitting four workouts in!).  I am still sewing, but my project photography and blogging time has suffered as a result.

I did finally manage to get a few snaps of the trio of Cozy Winter Hoods (from Little Things to Sew) I have been working on these past two weeks.  The first hood, a gift for a baby who lives in cold climes, is sewn from cashmere with a tragic past: When I was in the States waiting for Gabriel to be born, my husband took almost all his sweaters to the dry cleaners (in Georgia).  


Every single sweater came back felted.  Thankfully, he had not sent any of my hand knits, but there were two cashmere sweaters in the lot!  I kept those with the intention of making baby stuff some time, but this is the first time I had cut into one of them.  I lined it with stashed velveteen.  

I sewed the smallest size - 6-12 months, but as you can see it is quite roomy on my six-month-old model.  

So when I made the second hood, I sewed the seams joining the center hood and side hood pieces with a 3/4" allowance to make it smaller.  I kept the 1/2" allowances around the perimeter of the hat though.  This one, which is for Niko, fit him perfectly.  The fabrics are fleece I bought two years ago with the intention of making the same pattern for Gabriel.  Yeah, that didn't happen.  But I'm glad I managed to make it for Niko, because it is just as cute as I had imagined it would be!

I swapped out the ribbon ties for a tab snap closure on this one.  I guessed on the placement of the snap tab, though, and it doesn't quite go under his chin the way it's supposed to.

My third hood is for a one-year-old who lives in a warm climate where it sometimes gets a little chilly.  I used one layer of fleece and one layer of cotton knit for this one. I did the snap tab again put sewed it further back on the ear flaps to get it to sit nicely under the chin.  I should have traced the next size up, but I was in a rush to get it done, so I just used the extra small size again and sewed it with a 1/4" allowance.

It's a bit tight on G, but should fit the intended recipient perfectly.

A very quick and fun sew that I will not hesitate to pull out again for baby gifts!  I think I will keep the snap-tab mod, though, as I find that ties on babies come undone too often.


  1. Adorable! Although that sucks about the cashmere sweaters...

  2. Oh these are so cute :) I have ruined more than one wooly jumper by washing them in a washing machine!

    1. Thanks Jenya! Condolences on your washing accidents, they are wrenching!

  3. What a cute little project! And his eyes are just so beautiful. So sorry about your sweaters, but at least they have such a lovely new life on such adorable little heads. (I'm sure the intended recipient is adorable, too!)

    1. Thanks Rachel! The use of the cashmere in this hood does help lessen the sting of its initial loss )


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