
Monday, August 3, 2015

Late to the Mabel Party

I was on the fence about Colette's Mabel when it came out last year.  I liked the idea, but the modeled photos on the web site just weren't doing it for me.  Meg made a couple that I liked, at which time I added the pattern to my mental shopping list.  I didn't actually buy it until a couple of weeks ago when it was on sale for $10 at Fabric Mart.

I used a gray ponte with flocked back diamonds that I bought a year ago for $5/yard (also from Fabricmart - I seriously love that site).  I sewed the XL according to my current measurements.

It seemed to fit pretty well, but after a few hours' wear it had stretched out significantly.  Hate that.  The ponte felt like it had pretty good recovery so I figured the skirt was too big, size chart notwithstanding.  I took it apart and took in the waistband seams and the top of the skirt seams 5/8" inch for a total decrease of 2.5" around (basically the L size with an XL hip).  I tapered the seam to nothing about five inches down.  It fits better but still stretches out more than I'd like with wear.

As you can see, I photographed this skirt on a number of occasions.  I used my self-timer (reasonable), my husband (best quality photos but he stinks at looking critically at the clothes to make sure they aren't on crooked/have a flipped up hem/etc), my 5-year-old (use your imagination) and the old standby mirror shot.

As others have noted, the kick pleat does not behave well in knit fabric.  The ponte would not hold a press, so I edge-stitched the outer fold of the pleat.  It works but still is not perfect.

The skirt really doesn't need the pleat for purposes of wear but I like the idea of it, or something similar, to give the skirt a little flair.  I think I will definitely make another of these*, so I'll have to mull over what to do in back next time.

I did not notice until I uploaded these photos to the blog, that the skirt pulls in front, looking too small.  It doesn't feel too small at all, it feels comfy and snug, but maybe I will grade out the next one a little at the widest point of my hip.  Or maybe some of this baby weight will come off and I will have to resize :)

*Am I the only one who is always blogging that she will "definitely make another one" but then rarely does it?  I should go cut another Mabel right now to avoid making a liar of myself.


  1. I think it looks pretty great! I found this skirt to be really fabric dependent- my first Mabel has already been retired because it got irredeemably saggy within an hour, but my second one keeps its shape quite well. I would consider putting in elastic inside the waistband of my next Mabel to make sure that, even if it sags out, it stays up.

    1. Thanks Meg. I do think elastic would help, though I really like the look of the waistband without it. As long as I could put it in without too much bunching at the waist.

  2. I love it!! I have actually made three Mabels now, but only blogged one of them. I do tend to say I'll make another version of something but unless it's especially basic and awesome, I don't. This, however, is a rare exception. Like Meg, though, my second and third versions, I put some wide elastic inside the waistband to help it hold its shape better. My first Mabel stays on, but feels a bit insecure. The elastic versions are just as comfy but feel more secure. I use wide elastic and measure it to be just a smidge shorter than my waist measurement so it doesn't stretch that much while on, but provides just a bit of stability. I feel like it sits in a good place and holds me in a bit, rather than binding or bunching.

    1. Thanks Inder! That is good to know about the elastic - I think I will do it next time the way you describe ... if there truly is a next time, ha ha.

  3. Ha! You made me laugh about your comment about how each blogger promises to make more of the pattern but rarely does. That's me for sure. I just have so many patterns that i have and need to try them all to justify buying so many in the first place. :)
    Love the skirt! I've never seen it around the blogosphere but will keep my eye out from now on as I like how your turned out! Oh, and love love seeing Nico on your hip :) Such a cutie!

    1. Thanks D! I hope you are sewing some these days - update your blog!!

  4. That is so true - I think I will make another of something and then I guess it's pretty rare that I do! I think I want to make a pencil skirt.


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