
Monday, March 3, 2014

Renfrew, take two

Despite all my grumbling about having to re-fit the Renfrew, I cut a second one immediately after finishing the first.  I used an unrelentingly drapey knit purchased long ago when Joann's was having a 50% off Red Tag fabrics (on another note - that Red Tag section is so deceiving - I have never actually found the bargain basement pricing as I would expect there).  I think it is this knit from their web site.  I had some buyers' remorse after I bought it - I had purchased three yards thinking I'd make a wrap dress, but then decided I wouldn't wear such a spangly dress.  As it turns out, though, it's kind of a perfect fabric for a cowl-necked top.  And it's not as spangly, made up into a garment, as it appeared as a cut of yardage.

I decided that the stretchiness of the knit would require me to cut a smaller size.  After much hemming and hawing (and really no mathematical or scientific reasoning), I settled on an 8 through the shoulders stretching to a 12 in the bust and a 10 in the waist on down.  I also added an inch of length to the main body and cut the neckline 1/2" lower.  Again I sewed the sides with a 3/8" seam.   The 8 shoulder works well but I should have kept the 14 in the bust.  Finally, I did a forward-shoulder adjustment.  I have noticed particularly on my recent woven tops that I have to keep shrugging them forward. After some Googling I found that there is a relatively common and simple fix for this.  It's less necessary for me in knit tops, but I still think it made this top fit better than the last one.  I'll blog about it in more detail the next time I make a woven top.

It's funny how I never notice drag lines in my RTW garments, but they are all I see when I scrutinize my sewing.  I totally would have bought this top for $19.99 at Marshalls.

The above pic is a little washed out due to flash, but you can kind of see the spangle in the fabric.  From far away it just reads gray, though.

I think the cowl looks better on this one than on my last one, but that probably has mostly to do with the drapiness of the fabric - it's like a Slinky in that it just pours over itself.  I'll keep the lower neckline for my next Renfrew, though.  Maybe even lower it a tad bit more.


  1. I like your subtly spangly Renfrew. I have the cowl version on my list of things to make. And thanks for the street shots - very interesting!
    I have nominated your blog for a Liebster award, if you are interested. The link to my blog is for more information. Cheers

  2. I think it's lovely! Really like the neckline (and I'm loving your street shots btw)!

    1. Thanks - I don't know why I didn't think to do the street shots earlier; I'm enjoying them!

  3. Nice! I totally agree about the red-tag section of Jo-Ann's. I was there tonight and took a glance through things. I saw a fabric marked for 8$ that i bought a year ago for 5$. Well, your grey fabric is really pretty and looks so soft! The fit looks great and definitely like a cute top you'd see at Marshall's. I hope you enjoy wearing it!

    1. Yeah, that Red Tag section actually makes me kind of mad when I think about it! Thanks for the compliments.

  4. The top looks great! I've been meaning to jump on the Renfrew bandwagon for a long time. Seeing your top...I should hurry up and do it.;)


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